Now, the smile disappears from sight and depression can be seen written all over your face.
What happened to you my dear friend? Has this Life turned you downside up?
Or maybe you were just a hypocrite, with all truth well hidden beneath the thick skin of yours.
You were once a happy person. However, after all those groups you joined,
I understand you no more.
You became something else, more or less like a self destroyer.
You thought you had it, but it was all a mistake.Do not take things for granted my dear friend.
You were given this chance, but you ruin it. You were given a burning flame but you extinguish it.
Do you not appreciate it? You should know that it's too late after it has been given.
And now, it's all gone, all is lost.
Do not fret my dear friend, you still have a tiny chance to gain what you lost and find what was never found. Among the twenties, the tens, the clubs, and the friends, you will have a chance once more. Find what you truly have and destroy what you thought you have , set yourself free to a world of new openings. It's not needed for you to compare with others, for what you are,
makes you special and unique. Being like them is not your goal for the truth to yourself is what you seek.
Good Luck my dear friend, in restoring your hope, and joy. Now it's time to part, my ...
whom I see in the mirror , a boy.