Acoh passed away peacefully at 1.15p.m in Normah ,Kuching.
Aged 90, she was supposed to have a big birthday this year...
Leaving her 11 children and 50++ grand and great grand children.
My heart bleeds its sorrow,
for my great grand has gone,
much loved by the family,
which she had brought all along.
The time for her has arrived,
now she had gone,
peace be with her,
and always will.
God,she's for you to care now,
for she is ever loving,
God,she's for you to care now,
for we lost her,
who loved us,
oh so much.
Thank You Lord for giving me such a great chance for seeing my great grandmother.
I still remember..2 years ago...she was sitting on that chair...looking at us.At times, she blanked out, at times she remembered.She was oh so caring and that she greets us every time we visit her.
I remember the time, when we visit her.With her maid, she be at home, alone.Her black mole makes her special, a beauty even until now.
God, I pray , take good care of her.Thank you for making me go home now.I truly believe in you Lord.I truly.
Rest in Peace.
Written on,
1.45 pm,Friday