1.What is your ambition?
I want to be a chemical engineer that conducts the orchestra
2.Who is more important to you? Friends or boy/girlfriend?
Friends of course!
3.How often do you think of committing suicide?
NEVER!!!That is soooo stupid....seriously...
4.Do you think you have enough confidence?
I have confidence in most of the things I do.I know He's with me ^^
5.How many babies do you want?
Aww..c'mmon.I don't know!Why would I think of that now!
6.Do you believe in seeing rainbow after the rain?
Duh..yeah..I just saw one few days ago.Don't ya believe me?Check in wikipedia.
7.Are you yearning for freedom?
Hmmm..yes...if I'm a good boy, I may get freedom.Ian must stay good!
8.I'm glad that I am...
a Christian and I'm living peacefully in where I am now with my family and friends.
9.What's a perfect boy/girlfriend like to you? (list 10)
1.A Faithful Christian
2.Someone smart
3.A person 1 year younger than me or even with me will do.
4.A girl who knows that money is not everything
5.Someone who's willing to hug me.
6.A blogger
7.Must actually love me and not love what I have
8.Someone willing to suffer with me.
9.Has a sweet smile
10.Please tell me you're not fashion blind.
10.What are you really afraid of?
Modern era cavemen and loud music with those scary bass.Gah..disco music ?
11.What is your bad habit?
I act like a girl and I talk nonsense when I'm bored.
12.Do you like blogging?
If I don't , I won't be typing this now ,dear...
13.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Like I said 'I'll treat all of my friends as a member of my family'
If you still don't understand, it's a 'yes
14.What does flying means to you?
Flapping your hands and fall from the table?
15.What do you crave for the most currently?
16.Are u single/relationship?
I'm in a relationship with lots and lots of people...right ^-^????
17.Describe the person who tagged you with 7 words
All of you are wasting my time!
18.What have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?
I treated myself 2 truffles and a pint of Ben & Jerry's.
19.What will you become in another 10 years come?
An engineer?
20.Do you know that I'm wasting your time?
Yes I do, thank you.
Instructions: Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people. List them out at the end of the post.Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings.
I want to tag.....
1.*Insert your name here if you're bored*
2.*Insert your name here because you're forced too*
3.*Insert your pet's name here*
4.*Insert your name here if you want free chocolate*
5.*Insert your name here if you did not receive any free chocolate*