...Had been nearly two years now since I started studying in 'The Chung Hua'.How I wonder where I would be now if I continue my life in KL.Guess I won't be as smart as now.Lol.There's no way I can find a SMK in KL which is 97% filled with the Chinese community.Where else can I find a classroom filled with people from different backgrounds?I'm starting to love CH but ....I think it is wise to move on after Form 3.I don't like to make people upset or anything, it's not like I'm betraying Chung hua right?I still love it.Of course I do.Maybe KL, Brunei or even Singapore!I just that what I want would just come true.
Last time, I mix with only one group of people.
Unbelievable?Believe it.
...They are my friends who knew me since primary one and my best friend is a Chinese-Indian.Me as a Chinese, with Indians and Malays?People here would just say I'm plain weird, but I think I'm the friendly one.There was like , only 5% of Chinese students there.Here in Miri, I only met one Indian who is willing to be friends with me.I feel so grateful for having her.It's like, she's a living puzzle piece which I found.
...To speak the truth, I really had changed a lot.Physically and mentally,fashion taste and food desire , groups to be with and groups not to be with, all is different by now.You'll never know who you'll meet in the future.It may be your past, your present or your friend from the future.Anyone could just end up with you , even the person who jio you the most.
...I've met a variations of people too.Some inspires me, some gives me glimpses of the future, some to be hoped as friends forever and some just reminds me of the past.People who inspires me ..hmm...Kurt.Yea, he made me strive a lot.He balanced between Christianity,Studies,Co curricular activities and social life all at once!There's no way I can do that for now, but I just hope I will one day.Then, there's Dean.Dean helped me to toughen up myself.When people said bad things on how he acts or talks, he don't really mind them or fight back or anything.I should just be as tough as that.Who else, ahh..Jeen Hao.He inspired me on...being outspoken.He's a person who share what he thinks with other people.Even though he's just like every other people, he's not afraid to mend those wrongs into something right.Temper might be a problem but hey, everyone has weaknesses right?Jeff...whole lot of power.A silent leader who just waits till the time has come.Never judge a book by it's cover, or as I'll say, a small odd seed can just be the most magnificent tree you ever seen.He's leadership skills is one of the best which I had seen in my life.He's just so calm and steady, never trembles when problems came.Sure a great leader in the near future.I really need to believe in myself too.Faith in God is wayyy important.Benjamin (Yaw) planted a seed in my soul.How could a guy be so humble and polite in a world of vulgarity and influence of the d*v*l.How I wish I could just start again to be a better person.Guess I needa change now...
...Now, future bits.Future bits help me to imagine how I'm going to be in the near (or even far!) future.The first one would be Justine.I don't know why, but glimpses of the future just pop up in my head every time she talks to me.When she's sad, I can feel myself being in her shoes.I wonder and wonder till the future, which eventually ,will be the time which I used to wonder.Lol much.Other than that, there's Sylvia.The perfectionist, fashionista and critic.She's kinda open sometimes and a little boyish too but that's what made her special.She talked to me almost about everything.From a pencil to houses and countries to live in.She brought me to the future.The mindset to go to a Uni. in Singapore is all thanks to her.My dear friend who taught me and corrected me when I did something wrong, being so helpful and caring, I'm happy to know you.There's once when she just protected me from hooligans!Oh what a wonderful creation of God you are!
...The friends that I hope will be in my life forever.That will certainly not happen.People come and go anytime,anywhere.That's just the way of Life.How can a dream be reality when a reality is not even equivalent to a dream?If it's possible , I would like to know every soul in this world.Making peoples life better is what I love to do.In return I get friendship and happiness.God is truly great.
...Well, need to go now.Thanks to all of those who shaped and inspired me all these while.Also, thanks for talking to me and being my friends.
P.S There's tons of other people I want to talk about but I guess I couldn't possibly type about you all right?To those out there, thanks for helping and and please do continue to read my blog.
À bientôt!
Will Be Updating,