By who you ask?
Well...I was the one who created my own faults
Sad ay?
I've been worrying day and night.It's like my curfew now...
and I've just realised that...this...this..'worry'..are actually sins.
SINS, tore my body apart as I struggle to the mountain top...
and I fell down again every time I try.I've been chained to the ground.The sins chained up my body.
There's only ONE way...ONE savior...ONE be saved from the ever dreadful sins.
He is the only ONE.
He is Lord Jesus Christ.
He gave me peace...
He told me to stop worrying , for He is there for me.
I believe He is and I always will.
Ah!!!Been juggling BSMM, YCS ,exams and violin these days.I can't find the time to do all that.Even though I planned my time, still...time is not on my side.It's like...30 seconds to live.I've met lotsa people too during this hectic period.There's this Barbara T. gal that I met at the Rotary Family installation dinner .People can be so weird sometimes.DON'T ASK WHY
Then. there's this Chua Yih Yang guy.Well, his my teacher actually but he's more a friend then a teacher to me.He's kinda cool but he thinks that he's the scariest and most horrifying teacher at school.THAT IS SO NOT a nice trip back to England.Tell your friends about me!
I've met my other long lost friends (which I found again) at some places.Been missing them at this while^^
What, don't believe me har?Fine...
Well, I guess that's all for today.Need to plan for tomorrow's Public practice.
This is Rusty Robotic Ferret signing...out!!!