This is my first post for this blog ,so it might be a little mesquin.Ha ha...
Well,the first week of school usually shows us how the school life for the year is gonnabe, so...under the surveillance of my friends and I, we inspected the subject teachers 1by1 .
From the results,I ca see that my class is gonna be running as smooth as silk ...
The teachers on the other hand, are not be as good as what we(students of 2D) expected.(We are very very very demanding ya know*Evil giggles*)
There will be 4 freshly baked cookies...Ehm.. what I meant is teachers.
1 of the 'freshies' will be eliminated by us(Class management board) and will never see his/her face ever again*Laughs maniacally*
Nah...its not that serious, we'll only change the 'trainee' teacher with a more 'expérimenté' teacher.
Other than that, things are going very well according to my plan for the year.(Hehe...dominate the school!)
That's all for now, I'm getting woozy talking bout school.
Adiós chicos y chicas!
This is Ian, signing outtt!