Do you know what this feels like?
Imagine yourself shipwrecked on an island miles off the coast, found a lover, get married, have children and grow old. By then your old home is just a fragment of a once perfect memory. It would have seem that this island has always been your home; it would have seem that home has never left.
One day, while you were strolling at the beach, a familiar photo frame washes ashore. Beneath the grit and silt, the physically unrecognisable nature-battered frame triggers something long buried within you- that shrouded memory of your origin. Suddenly you yearn for that place where your heart belong. However, the presence of the photo frame itself tells a story. What else would it have been there if it was not for the destruction of your homeland?
That moment where reality unravels your history in full display for seagulls, crabs, your wife and kids, accompanied by the orchestral crashing of waves- you feel complied to pick it up and give it a new home.
Once the past, is finally in the present. Though the splinters from years of ignorance scars your heart, you feel comfortingly complete.
You- are Ian.
This is what Ian is feeling.
Ian is finally at home. Ian is grateful.
Ian is going to sob and eat chocolate.
Ian will now say goodbye.